vanity roles

Vanity Roles is a feature of the bot that awards users with roles when they put a specific text in their status (usually the server's vanity).

[p] stands for your server's prefix

<> means the parameter is required, () means its optional

You do not have to type <> or (), they are simply parameters.

The base command for vanity roles is [p]vanityroles or [p]vr for short.


The first thing you should do is to setup a role to be awarded once the user sets a text as their status.

[p]vanityroles role <role>
Example: .vr role

Make sure to replace <role> with the actual role you want to be awarded. Make sure that the bot's highest role is higher than the award role, otherwise the bot will not be able to hand it out.

After setting the role, you should set the text that the bot will look for in the statuses.

[p]vanityroles text <text>
Example: .vr role /order

Once the text is set, you should set the channel where notifications are sent in.

[p]vanityroles channel <channel>
Example: .vr channel #vanity

Make sure the bot has permissions to send message in the channel.

If you want to send custom notification messages, use the command [p]vanityroles message.

[p]vanityroles message <message>
Example: .vr message Thanks [user.mention] for repping /order!

You can use embed variables to mention the user or provide other information. If you want the message to be set as an embed, make sure to create an embed first. If you don't know how to, read this. Once the embed is created, use the command [p]vanityroles message <embed name> and replace <embed name> with the embed's name.

If you want the bot to send notification messages as a webhook, use the command [p]vanityroles webhook.

After running the command, you will see an embed like this.

To edit the name of the webhook, click the button Edit Name, to edit the avatar of the webhook, click the button Edit Icon. Make sure there is no more than 15 webhooks setup in the notification channel, otherwise the bot will not be able to create a webhook.

Once everything is all done, run the command [p]vanityroles toggle to enable the module. If the module is already enabled and you want to disable it, run the command again to disable it.

If you want to view the current configuration, run the command [p]vanityroles view.

Last updated