
[p] stands for your server's prefix

<> means the parameter is required, () means its optional

You do not have to type <> or (), they are simply parameters.

The base command for tickets is [p]ticket or [p]tset for short. To create a ticket panel, type [p]ticket create <name>.

Once you have created a panel, you can now edit the ticket with [p]ticket edit <name>.

Click on the menu below the embed and you can start editing your panel.

panel embed

The panel embed is the embed users see before opening a ticket. Create an embed with the [p]embed create command, if you don't know how to, check getting started. After creating an embed, select the set the panel embed option, click the set button and enter the embed's name into the modal.

welcome embed

The welcome embed is the embed users see after opening a ticket, the embed will be the first embed in the ticket. Create an embed with the [p]embed build command and the process to add the embed is similiar to adding the panel embed, except you have to select the set the welcome embed option.

ping roles

You can set the roles that the bot will ping once a ticket is opened. Select the set the roles to ping once a ticket is opened option and you can add or remove roles from the list.

You can select a maximum of 10 roles per menu and you can always add/remove roles from the list.

access roles

Access roles are roles that can view the tickets by default, and users with the roles have permissions to view the channels, send messages and attach files. The process to add/remove roles is similiar to ping roles, with the exception of selecting the set the roles that can view the ticket by default option.

claim roles

If these roles are set, users with the claim roles can "claim" tickets as theirs once a user opens a ticket. This is added to help improve management and organize tickets. If claim roles are set, a "Claim" button will appear once a user opens a ticket, and only users with the claim roles can click on them.


Forms are modals that the user sees before opening a ticket. This is useful as it gets information from the user before a ticket is opened and it saves a lot of time as you don't have to question the user on why the ticket is opened.

You can create a form with the command [p]ticket form add <name>. Once a form is created, you can edit the form with the command [p]ticket form edit <name>.

When you add a question, you will need to input 4 things.

The first one is the question, which is self explanatory.

The second one is the placeholder, which is the text below the question, which can be used to tell users how to answer the question.

The third one is the type, if the type is set to short, the answer box will be shorter, and it is generally used for 1-2 word answers, if the type is long, the user will be able to add paragraphs, which is generally used for reasons and etc.

The last one is required. If you set it as true, the user will have to answer the question, and if you set it as false, the user does not have to answer the question.

Once you have added your questions, you can attach the form to your panel by selecting the set the form used for the ticket option, and inputting the form's name in the modal.


The emoji must be from the server. To add your emoji, click on the set button and enter the emoji's name. For example, if your emoji's name is :emoji:, enter only emoji into the modal.

Once you have finished setting up your ticket, you can send it with [p]ticket panel <name>. If you have multiple panels and you want to send them all as a menu, use [p]ticket multipanel <embed> <name1> <name2> .... <embed> stands for the name of the embed you want to use as the panel embed, and <name1> and <name2> are the ticket panels you want to send.

Last updated